Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: A0992361- 7662- 4FD7- 9DB3- 9D760E06A5D2 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />Program Description (3 pages OR LESS) <br />Please provide the following information about the proposed program: <br />d) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address a <br />Town /County priority /goal? <br />Town Priority: Jobs /Job Training: OE will utilize all funding from Human Services grant to <br />expand our current mission by supporting staffing and transportation. Our program <br />addresses the above issues by providing employment readiness training, job coaching, <br />volunteer experiences, and vocational placement and support to high school students and <br />adults with disabilities. By preparing individuals for the transition to employment from high <br />school we increase their chances of obtaining and maintaining employment. By providing <br />work training, placement, and support to adults with disabilities we are addressing the rate <br />of unemployment among individuals with disabilities in Orange County. <br />e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, Town of <br />Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other community priorities (i.e. <br />Council /Board Goals). Reference local data (using the provided links, i.e. Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment) to support the need for this program. <br />The needs assessment for Chapel Hill shows a high priority need in the area of "local adult <br />education and job training opportunities." The national unemployment rate for 2017 was <br />4.1%, with a North Carolina average of 4.5 %. The Orange County unemployment rate for <br />*2017 averaged 4.0% ( *statistics for December not yet released - Bureau of Labor <br />Statistics). <br />Unemployment is an issue that, at one time or another, affects most Americans. This is a <br />more prevalent issue among those in the disability community and the availability of job <br />training and engagement programs are limited. The 2011 Orange County Community <br />Health assessment reported that the unemployment rate for individuals with a disability was <br />23.2% statewide, but jumps to 41.1% in Orange County. According to the Office of <br />Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), the 2017 employment rate (labor force participation) <br />of individuals with disabilities of working age is 20.9 %. Many of those who are employed <br />face underemployment. <br />A troubling statistic includes the data that at all levels of education, persons with a disability <br />were much less likely to be employed than were their counterparts with no disability <br />http:// www. bls. gov /news.release /pdf /disabl.pdf). Orange County employment is concentrated in <br />government and University positions. Per the 2011 Community Health Assessment, the <br />unemployment rate for individuals with only a high school diploma or equivalent stands at <br />26.2 %. here are fewer opportunities for younger, entry level workers and there is increased <br />competition for these jobs due to the UNC Student population (Orange County Community <br />Health Assessment 2011, p70 -71). <br />There are few services available for integration of individuals with disabilities into <br />established senior retirement and community activities Services for disabled senior <br />citizens remain a critical need. Mobility, vision, hearing, and balance issues become even <br />more impactful for seniors with disabilities. Most seniors lose community and family <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/22/2018 1:53:42 PM _ . <br />