Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: A0992361- 7662- 4FD7- 9DB3- 9D760E06A5D2 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />iii. Does your agency budget show a Surplus or Deficit? Both <br />Is there a significant change? Yes /No Yes <br />Please provide a brief explanation for Surplus or Deficit, and significant changes. <br />OE has focused on right sizing the business in relation to federal and state <br />program and funding mandates and changes. OE sold an asset obtained just <br />prior to the financial downturn. A result OR is not mortgage and debt <br />free. Approximately 2 years of losses were projected by the OE Board as <br />these transitions take place. OE expects to end FY 17 -18 more positive and <br />18 -19 with a surplus. <br />iv. What is your agency's fiscal year? July 1, 2018 -June 30, 2019 <br />(Example: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017) <br />Agency Information 1/22/2018 1:53:42 PM P a g e 9 o f 18 <br />