2018-440-E Finance - Chapel Hill Carrboro Meals on Wheels outside agency agreement
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2018-440-E Finance - Chapel Hill Carrboro Meals on Wheels outside agency agreement
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8/24/2018 9:16:39 AM
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R 2018-440 Finance - Chapel Hill Carrboro Meals on Wheels outside agency agreement
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DocuSign Envelope ID: E1573D55- 1DC0 -4F4C- 9784- 749E3E95640B <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />Services are ongoing — Every M -F with the exception of a few Federal Holidays. When not <br />able to deliver (whether a holiday or inclement weather) we plan ahead and deliver a <br />shelf - stable meal to ensure there is food in the client's pantry. <br />i) Why is funding this program a good investment for the community? How does funding this <br />program add value to the community? (250 words OR LESS) <br />No other agency delivers a hot ready -to -eat meal to the home of the person in need. If <br />CHCMOW ceased operation, the vital safety net service we provide would be <br />discontinued. The simple act of a delivery of a hot, nutritious meal and a friendly check -in <br />saves an estimated $109 million dollars nationally, by reducing dependence on <br />institutionalized care and emergency room visits. The assurance of a daily weekday meal <br />and a check -in enables the elderly and homebound to age in place with dignity. For many <br />of our clients, the volunteer is the only human contact they will have that day. Beyond the <br />positive impact we have on the health and safety of our clients as well as the cost savings <br />we enable, CHCMOW offers a warm, enriching, and satisfying volunteer opportunity to <br />our community bringing together a diverse group of people with varying backgrounds, <br />careers, and mental and physical abilities. CHCMOW both serves and strengthens our <br />community. <br />j) Describe what would happen if requested funding is not awarded at all or if a reduced <br />allocation is recommended. <br />Services may be curtailed or a waiting list would have to be developed. To date, local <br />support has enabled CHCMOW to avoid a waitlist. <br />k) What percentage of your target population is low- moderate income? <br />Every Meals on Wheels meal is subsidized. Ninety percent of our clients do not pay the <br />full reduced rate for meals which is $5 /meal. Only 10% pay the reduced rate cost but that <br />does not necessarily place them outside of the low- moderate income bracket. <br />1) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target population <br />(e.g. survey, evaluations, etc. ?) <br />We send an annual client survey that receives very positive results with a few comments. <br />We take into consideration every comment made and try our best to consistently improve <br />our services, offerings and efficiency that we can better serve all of those in need. Every <br />few years we also engage in a broader stakeholder survey so that we may receive <br />community feedback and determine if we are doing what we do well and how we can <br />improve to be even better. <br />m) Include any other pertinent information. <br />Every year fewer of our clients are able to pay towards the costs of their meals. Ten years <br />ago, approximately 80% of our clients were able to pay the reduced meal rate charged by <br />MOW. Today only 20% of our clients are able to do so. <br />As the CHCMOW organization has grown we have committed to hiring the necessary staff <br />to meet the growing need for our services. CHCMOW currently serves 170 -185 meals per <br />day every M -F with approximately 250 volunteer drivers and 250 plus bakers and 4 part - <br />time employees — an Executive Director, Operations Manager, Volunteer Coordinator and <br />Bookkeeper. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/22/2018 9:22:00 AM P a g e 19 of 2 6 <br />
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