Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: El 573D55-1 DC0 -4F4C- 9784- 749E3E95640B <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />Program Description (3 pages OR LESS) <br />Please provide the following information about the proposed program: <br />d) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address a <br />Town /County priority /goal? <br />Our goals are threefold; 1. Provide affordable, nutritious and flavorful meals to the <br />homebound and elderly. 2. Reduce isolation, support independence and enhance <br />recipient's quality of life. 3. Engage in partnerships that benefit volunteers and recipients. <br />e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, Town of <br />Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other community priorities (i.e. <br />Council /Board Goals). Reference local data (using the provided links, i.e. Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment) to support the need for this program. <br />CHCMOW addresses the need for Senior Housing options, particularly options for aging - <br />in -place and provision of meals and other services that meet the unique needs of the <br />elderly as well as Food Insecurity, enabling access to affordable and healthy food for <br />those who have an inability to freely access grocery stores or prepare food for themselves. <br />Moreover, Meals on Wheels programs significantly reduce health care costs through <br />decreased emergency room visits and dependence on institutionalized care. In addition, <br />CHCMOW actively works towards increasing collaboration with UNC Healthcare so that <br />those discharged that are eligible for MOW are informed of and connected to CHCMOW, <br />working together to improve the health and well -being of the elderly in our community. <br />Overall, CHCMOW plays an important role in ensuring a community network of basic <br />human services and infrastructure that maintains, protects, and promotes the well- <br />being of all county residents by focusing on the basic needs of one of the most <br />vulnerable and often overlooked populations in our community. CHCMOW also helps <br />citizens develop a human environment that promotes trust, mutual respect, <br />acceptance, happiness and well- being, not only by improving the daily life of elderly and <br />homebound residents but through our robust volunteer program which connects a diverse <br />community of volunteers with a diverse community of clients, creating connections across <br />social, class and racial groups, creating a stronger more connected community as a <br />whole. <br />state figures are in grassy green, county figures in lighter green <br />Poverty rate increases with age <br />M N ■ NC <br />2 <br />14.9% 2.9% <br />6.2% <br />65 -74 Below 65 -74 in 100 % - 75+ below 100 % poverty 75+ in 100 % -199% <br />100% 199% <br />26 <br />