Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: E1573D55- 1DC0 -4F4C- 9784- 749E3E95640B <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />h) Agency Budget <br />Is your agency currently receiving and /or requesting other (non -Human Services) <br />local (Town of Carrboro, Town of Chapel Hill, Orange County) government <br />funding? (Yes /No) No <br />If yes, please list below: <br />Include all programs that have funding requests /awards /totals from Carrboro, Chapel Hill, <br />and Orange County governments (other than Human Services). DO NOT include federal <br />funding sources, such as CDBG and HOME. <br />Program <br />FY17 -18 <br />Award <br />FY18 -19 <br />Request <br />Source <br />Ex: Affordable Rental <br />Rehabilitation <br />0 <br />$20,000 <br />Carrboro - Affordable Housing <br />Ex: Agency Administration <br />$15,000 <br />$15,000 <br />Carrboro — Other <br />Ex. Total <br />$15,000 <br />$35,000 <br />Carrboro Total Funding <br />*Add rows or attach additional page, if needed. <br />ii. Submit your agency's budget. You may complete the provided template (separate <br />xls file) or you may submit your own budget file (as long as it contains the same <br />information, and in a similar format, as requested in the provided template). <br />Agency Budgets are required to define budget amounts for the previous program <br />year, current program year, and next program year for the following categories: <br />Agency Information 1/22/2018 9:22:00 AM P a g e 1 2 o f 2 6 <br />