Orange County NC Website
5 <br />LAW ()FF1CF$ <br />Co1.~MAN, GI~D~IILL & HARGRAV~ <br />A PROFES5IDNAL C'.URR)MTI~)N <br />129E TRYON 57REE7 <br />(>. 134A~YEA 1529 <br />HILLSADADUGH. NUitTH ('AM()llNA :7278 <br />910.7.)1 2196 <br />FAX 919.732.7997 <br />wEast7e www t:nANnH.C.OM <br />October 12, 2000 <br />Mr. John Smith <br />Orange County Tax Assessor <br />Fost Office Sox 8181 <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 2727A <br />RB: David McBroom Tax Questiane <br />Dear John: <br />FRAM 71iE DESK OF <br />GFAFFREY ~. G1EDF9ILL <br />This letter confirms our telephone conversation on October <br />11, 2000 and provides .you my opinion about the remedies <br />available for handling' Che McBroom tax mattex. My opinion is <br />based on the following facts: <br />1. Prior to June 2000, Mr. McHroom and his mother, Mrs. <br />Garrard, owned an approximately 2A acre piece of land that <br />qualified for and was in the use value Cax pxogram. <br />2. Prior to the yeax 2000, Mr. MCHroom and his wide Robin <br />also owned a 2 acre tract of land and a 3.6 acre tract of land <br />that were in the use value tax program but because the ownership <br />was not identical to the 28 acre tract those tracts did not <br />qualify far use value taxation. <br />3. In October 1999 the errox' in classifying the 2 acre <br />tract and the 3.6 acre tract for use value taxation was <br />discovered. In the year 2000 the discovery of the previous <br />classification error resulted in a "discovery" process pursuant <br />to G.S. § 105-312 effective with the tax year 2D00. The Tax <br />Collector received a receipt for the market value taxes fox <br />Chose two parcels of land for the year 2000 and for deferred <br />taxes plus interest far the 3 prior years, 1999, 1998 and 1997, <br />4. The ownership of the 28 acre parcel of land was <br />changed in June 2000. Some time on ar before June 27, 2000 a <br />deed to that property was recorded showing Che ownership of it <br />to be Mr. McBroom and hie wife, Robin. <br />