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.Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Grants <br />'ices/TechnicaUMobile/gra <br />most criteria pollutants, including ozone (03), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX), <br />sulfur dioxide, lead, and particulates. However, the state is not meeting the stricter ozone (03) <br />standard that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency adopted in 1997. <br />Ozone is formed when nitrogen oxides (NOX) react with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in <br />the atmosphere. High levels generally occur during hot stagnant weather in the summer <br />months, primarily in urban azeas. Autos, trucks, and other motor vehicles emit a lazge portion <br />of the pollutants that cause ozone during the summer. Statewide, highway and off-road mobile <br />sources accounted for 51 percent of the nitrogen oxides (NOX) and 41 percent of the VOCs in <br />the summer of 1990. Mobile sources (highway and off-road) generate even higher proportions <br />of major air pollutants in the state's larger cities: <br />VOC's 48 percent <br />NOX 88 percent <br />When mobile source emissions aze reduced, air quality is improved. <br />Alternative Fuel Guidelines <br />1. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) alternative fuel vehicles, where available, aze <br />preferred over conversions. <br />2. Grant funds aze only available for the incremental cost of alternative fuel vehicles. <br />3. Alternative fueling facilities founded by this grant program must be publicly accessible. <br />Project Selection Criteria <br />1. Degree of matching or "in-kind" funds proposed for the project. <br />2. Degree of control program implementation and actual emission reduction as <br />opposed to planning. <br />3. Assessment of benefits for the proposed project. <br />4. Permanence of benefits from the planned project. <br />5. Breadth of applicability of results in North Cazolina. <br />6. Low cost/high benefit of the planned project. <br />7. Project's potential for high total benefits in North Carolina. <br />8. Overall length of project (preference for 2 years or less). <br />9. Degree of support/participation from affected parties. <br />10. Public perception of appropriateness of selected projects. <br />Requirements for a Grant <br />1. Project must emphasize mobile source emissions reduction, (i.e. hydrocarbon <br />(HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOX). <br />2. Applicant must address/consider Project Selection Criteria. <br />3. Project must emphasize actual emission reductions as opposed to planning. <br />4. Proposal must be fora "new" project. <br />5. Grant Holders must report back to DENR on actual benefits of completed project. <br />How to apply for a Grant <br />