Orange County NC Website
. . . . . . . . 13 <br />constructed, and arrangements to refuel at the existing Town of Chapel Hill facility as well will <br />be finalized. Additional ixaining of Motor Pool mechanics will be needed for the new vehicles. <br />2. In order to cover some of the costs of this initiative, the County should apply for a Mobile <br />Source Emissions Reduction Grant from the State of North Carolina, Division of Air Quality. <br />That application is due at the end of December. To facilitate that application process, we should <br />continue our cooperation and collaboration with the Triangle J Clean Cities Program. <br />The MSERG grants will fund the purchase price differential between a conventional vehicle and <br />an AFV, and will also fund a significant portion of the refueling facility (although a County <br />match of 30-40% may be necessary). We anticipate that the grant request will thus need to <br />include $4$,000 for CNG refueling station infrastructure and electrical recharge equipment (this <br />includes a probable County match of around $20,000), approximately $153,000 for vehicle <br />purchases ($50,500 of which is the purchase price differential for AFV's and could be covered <br />by the grant), and $5,000 for training and tools - for a total grant application of $206,000. The <br />projected County match would be $124,500 ($20,000 match for infiastructure, $2,000 for <br />training and tools. The County could also count as a match the $102,500 for the purchase cost of <br />vehicles that would be otherwise replaced with gasoline-powered vehicles). <br />Seven alternative-fuel <br />vehicles $50,500 $102,500* $153,000 <br />CNG fueling station / <br />electric char in station $28,000 $20,000 $ 48,000 <br />Trainin and Tools $3 000 $2,000 $5 000 <br />TOTAL $81,500 $124 500 ($22,000) $206,000 <br />* -The vast majority of this cost would be incurred with or without the grant, with all but one vehicle scheduled for <br />replacement in FY 2002 anyway. The seventh vehicle replaced would be reassigned or sold. <br />3. During this application process and afterwards, options far AFV purchases during the <br />fallowing fiscal year should continue to be examined, with consideration given to the feasibility <br />of acquiring an electric or CNG bus for potential use as a shuttle bus between Chapel Hi11 and <br />Hillsborough, including discussions an which agency would provide the service. Afive-year <br />strategic plan should be developed to allow for review and evaluation of changing technology <br />and aptions, with an annual review. While one technology maybe the most effective use of <br />resources at the present, we should not limit thoughts and opportunities for future options.. <br />By continuing to evaluate new AFV options and developing a practice of replacing some of our <br />higher emission, less fuel efficient vehicles with these new alternatively fueled vehicles every <br />year, the County will demonstrate a proactive stance toward addressing ground-level ozone and <br />the impending non-attainment designation for air quality. We will also be working toward our <br />long term goal of protecting the health of Orange County's residents and resources. <br />Members of the AFLEV Work Group: Ray Forhnann, Julie Tucker and Mark Smith (Commission for the <br />Environment); Marty Mandell (solar and electric energy activist), Wilbert McAdoo (Public Works), David Cannell <br />(Purchasing); Paul Thames (County Engineer); Karen Lincoln (Planning); Maxc degree and David Stancil (ERCD). <br />Thanks to Bill Terry, Chapel Hill Public Works. <br />