Orange County NC Website
. . . . . . . . <br />Section 3- Long-Term Goals <br />Minimize emissions from the county's vehicle fleet and maximize the fleet's fuel efficiency. <br />From 1950 to 1990 Orange County's population increased 173% and is expected to have <br />increased another 22% to 2000. With all these new residents come additional vehicles, and <br />additional air-polluting emissions. As a proactive measure, the BOCC has determined that the <br />County should take a leadership position in minimizing the negative impact the County fleet has <br />on local air quality. One of the best ways to do this is to simultaneously minimize fleet <br />emissions and maximize fleet fuel efficiency. By beginning a process of slowly replacing less <br />fuel efficient vehicles with newer more fuel efficient ones and substituting AFVs far gasoline <br />powered vehicles whenever possible, the County is taking important steps in realizing that goal. <br />Through continued purchase of AFVs and development of an alternative fuel infrastructure <br />network, the County is also making it easier and cheaper for the County's private businesses and <br />individual County residents to also make the shift from traditionally fueled vehicles to <br />alternatively fueled ones. This initial AFV leadership will lead to clean air for Orange County <br />long into the future. <br />Potential areas of emphasis in the long-term for AFV's might include: <br />• Promote solar-powered bicycles and other pedestrian-powered vehicles. <br />• Promote solaz-powered lawnmowers and encourage local high schools to continue to explore <br />demonstration projects in this area. <br />• Look at electric buses as a future means of transit in the County. <br />• Look at other options that will serve to reduce the number of vehicle miles driven and <br />reduce ground-level ozone. <br />Conclusions <br />As directed by the BOCC, the Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Low Emissions Workgroup has <br />made assessments of the alternative fuel vehicles currently available and in consideration of <br />Orange County's unique circumstances and needs has offered this report which includes our <br />three main goals and recommended action strategy. These goals are: <br />Short-term: Research the advantages and disadvantages of the various alternative fuel vehicle options. Use that <br />information to apply far a State of NC, Division of Air Quality, Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Grant that <br />would cover some of the costs associated with purchasing multiple AFYs during fiscal year 2001. <br />Intermediate Term: Explore the possibility of acquiring an alternative fieel bus, continue replacing gasoline <br />vehicles with AFVs as appropriate, develop the educational component of the county's AFV program, coordinate <br />with other local bodies through the newly formed Triangle J Clean Cities Program. <br />Lang-term: Minimize emissions from the county's vehicle fleet and maximize the fleet's fuel efficiency. <br />1. The proposed action strategy is to start acquiring a number of dedicated Compressed <br />Natural Gas and electric vehicles to replace some of the traditional-fuel vehicles that are due for <br />replacement in the next fiscal year. Seven vehicles scheduled for replacement in FY 01-02 are <br />proposed for alternative fuel vehicles, with six dedicated CNG vehicles, including passenger <br />vans, cargo vans, pickup trucks and a passenger vehicle. In addition, one electric vehicle would <br />be purchased as a demonstration project. Each of the vehicles would replace similar gasoline- <br />fueled vehicles in either the motor pool, or departments of Finance, Public Works, Recreation <br />and Pazks or Environment and Resource Conservation. A CNG refueling facility will need to be <br />].2 <br />