Agenda - 11-21-2000-6c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-21-2000
Agenda - 11-21-2000-6c
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9/1/2008 11:41:49 PM
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8/29/2008 10:16:53 AM
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Minutes - 11-21-2000
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. Imo. .]~. -~ <br />slightly reduced emissions. Ethanol should be considered for use in existing vehicles that can use <br />the fuel. <br />Electric vehicles offer many long-term opportunities, and should become a more viable option in <br />the near future and should also remain on our options shortlist. . <br />Proposed Plan <br />The N.C. Division of Air Quality's primary goal for the MSERG grants in fiscal year 2001 is to <br />reduce nitrous oxides (NOx) by funding increased infrastructure for alternative fueled vehicles. <br />The County's optimal goal maybe replacing conventional vehicles that aze already due for <br />replacement with AFVs, where practical. As such, the £oolowing list is a compilation of vehicles <br />identified with the Public Works Department which are 1) scheduled for replacement in fiscal <br />yeaz 2001, and 2) would be a candidate for AFV's. Each new vehicle would be a dedicated CNG <br />or, in one case, a dedicated electric vehicle. <br />Tn order to refuel these. vehicles it would also be necessary to purchase and assemble a CNG re- <br />fueling station at the Orange County Public Works office in Hillsborough. Also, the County <br />could enter into an agreement with the Town of Chapel Hill for mutual use of refueling facilities. <br />This would enable County vehicles in southern Orange to use the Town's refueling center at <br />Chapel Hill Public Works, and the Town has expressed interest in discussing such an <br />arrangement, which might enhance both Town and County efficiency. This would provide a <br />"northern Orange" and "southern Orange" distribution facility for CNG vehicles. As previously <br />stated, providing such infrastructure is a stated goal for the MSERG grants this yeaz, and pursuit <br />of this arrangement would likely strengthen the County's application for funding assistance to <br />NCDAQ in December. <br />The County has a computerized monitoring system in place that will enable staff to measure and <br />track the fuel efficiency and cost-benefit of AFV's. Documentation for each of the replacement <br />AFV's will allow the County to monitor and evaluate the vehicles (what are the maintenance <br />costs, are the AFV's tougher on tires, what are the annual cost savings as opposed to emissiones <br />reductions, for example), and after an appropriate period of time, perform cost~benefit analysis <br />on the AFV's versus conventional gasoline vehicles. <br />10 <br />As shown is the following table, we would propose pursuing a demonstration project with <br />primarily CNG vehicles, consistent with the type of vehicles on the market and projected <br />effectiveness. These would include six CNG vehicles and one electric vehicle. <br />
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