Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards <br />Section 6.12: Signs <br />(3) All on- premise commercial signs shall be setback ten feet from the front, sid , <br />and rear property lines or the edge of any existing or projected street right- f -way <br />line whichever is greater. In cases where a property abuts a residential ned <br />parcel of property, the side or rear yard setback requirement shall bed bled. <br />(4) Number of Signs Permitted <br />(a) One on- premise commercial sign shall be permitted per p rcel. <br />However, one additional on- premise commercial sign m be permitted <br />for parcels with frontage on more than one right -of -wa in accordance <br />with the provisions of this Section. <br />(b) Under no circumstances shall more than one thre - dimensional sign be <br />permitted on -site. <br />( For multi- tenant buildings and /or sites permitt d as a conditional use or <br />conditional zoning district, additional on -pre ise commercial signs or <br />sign area may be permitted by the Board County Commissioners. <br />(5) Height f Signs <br />(a) P le signs shall be limited to a heigh f 24 feet with a mandatory ground <br />cle ance of eight feet from the nor al or finished grade elevation of the <br />prop y at the base of the sign <br />(b) Groun igns shall not exceed ix feet in height from the normal or <br />finished ade elevation of th property at the base of the sign <br />(6) The allowable area or on -premi commercial signs shall be determined as <br />follows: <br />(a) Single or double aced igns shall not exceed 32 square feet in area, per <br />sign face. For pa e zoned CC -3, GC -4, O /RM, 1 -1, 1 -3, AS, EDB -2, <br />EDE -2, EDH-4, ED -5, and MPD -CZ signage shall not exceed 72 <br />square feet in are fo parcels that: <br />(i) Are lar er than 0,000 square feet in area, and <br />(ii) Hav more than 3 0 linear frontage along a NC Department of <br />Tr nsportation (NC OT) maintained roadway. <br />(b) Three -di ensional signs shall of exceed a maximum volume of 54 <br />cubic et with no dimension exc eding six feet. <br />Figure 6.12.12.A.6: Three7Dimensional Sign Allowable Vo <br />H <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 6 -80 <br />