Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards <br />Section 6.12: Sions <br />(5) Within non - residential zoning districts, political signs shall not exceed the <br />maximum allowable sign area permitted for freestanding signs. <br />(6) Political signs shall only be erected 90 days prior to the established dat of a <br />general election, school board election, referendum, special election, imary, or <br />other similar political activity. <br />7) Political signs shall be removed within 21 days after an election. <br />(8 Political signs shall be allowed within rights -of -way of the State ighway system <br />only in accordance with State law. <br />(9) %imilar olitical signs shall not be allowed on telephone poles, utili poles, trees, other <br />natural objects, and other signs or sign structures. <br />6.12.6 Prohibited Sig <br />The following signs are rohibited in all zoning districts: <br />(A) Advertising signs esembling traffic signals, traffic /dh rgency vehicles' flashing <br />lights, non - govern ntal sanctioned signs utilizing 'stop', `slow', `caution', <br />`danger', or any sign at is likely to be misconstruaveling public as being <br />official governmental s ns or emergency warningy their distracting nature <br />create a hazard to moto ' ts; <br />(D) Signs, except for off-,re mi s signs allowed un er this Section, advertising an activity, <br />business, product or service o longer condu ed on the premises upon which the sign is <br />located. Such signage shall Xae ed wit in 90 days from the date of termination of <br />such activity. Upon failure of r to move such signs within the prescribed time, <br />the Planning Director shall tapri e legal action to have such sign removed; <br />(C) Flashing, blinking, pulsating, i ns with moving parts except for signs showing <br />time of day and temperature rt of an approved sign advertising a permitted <br />business activity on a parcel ty, (D) Signs with electronic moveabscro ' g messages or other similar electronic <br />displays designed to change ore th n once an hour or a maximum of 8 times in <br />a 24 hour period; <br />(E) Signs, other than traffic, go ernmental, street na a signs, political signs erected in <br />accordance with State la , or other official govern ental or public agency sign, shall not <br />be permitted within any treet right -of -way; <br />(F) Roof signs; <br />(G) Snipe signs; <br />(FI) Beacon lights, imated signs, trailer signs and snipe signs; <br />(1) Portable sign ,unless approved for a special event in accorda ce with Section <br />6.12.11(D); <br />(J) Signs su orted in whole or in part by water, gas, air, or could othe ise be designated <br />as infla ble signs; Individuals erecting an inflatable sign shall be sub ct to an immediate <br />notice f violation and shall be required to remove the sign within the ti e frame it would <br />nor ally take to deflate the sign, unless approved for a special event in ccordance with <br />Se _ion 6.12.11(D); <br />/(K)igns mounted on a single pole or mast; <br />ns that contain rotating sign panels or objects; <br />ns that obstruct ingress and egress to any door, window, fire escape, stairway, adder, <br />other opening intended to provide light, air, ingress, or egress for any room or bu ing; <br />d <br />Orange County, North Carolina -- Unified Development Ordinance Page 6 -75 <br />