Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standards <br />Section 6.12: Signs <br />Figure 6.12.4: SIg-a _Size Measurement <br />6.12.5 Exempt Signs <br />The following permitted signs are considered exempt and do not require the issuance of a Zoning <br />Compliance Permit: <br />(A) Signs erected by a governmental agency to regulate, control, or direct vehicular or <br />pedestrian traffic; <br />(B) Legal notices, warnings, regulatory or informational signs erected by a public agency; <br />(C) Signs required by law; <br />(D) "No trespassing" signs, not exceeding six square feet in area; <br />(E) Real estate signs, not exceeding four square feet in area; <br />4G) F Property number signs not exceeding two square foot in area and bearing only address <br />numbers of premises or other identification of premises not having commercial <br />connotations; <br />"Lgj_Holiday decorations in season that do not contain or display a commercial message; <br />O)LU Signs on trash receptacles, indicating the owner or party responsible for maintenance; <br />tJ)f!L_Hazardous chemical identification /notification signs on residential and non - residential <br />structures; <br />K J Signs on newspaper boxes; <br />N Private drive signs, one per drive entrance, not exceeding two square feet in area, with <br />the message content limited to the words "Private Drive" and the address of any <br />residences utilizing the private roadway; <br />i_ Security and warning signs posted on private property warning the public against <br />trespassing, or similar messages, provided that any such sign does not exceed two <br />square feet in area; and <br />"ffiLPolitical Signs, in accordance with the following standards: <br />(1) Political Signs are allowed in all zoning districts. <br />(2) A Zoning Compliance Permit shall not be required to allow for the placement of a <br />political sign on private property. <br />(3) There shall be no limit to the number of political signs that can be placed on <br />private property so long as the placement of these signs complies with the <br />provisions of this Ordinance and the signs do not create a public safety hazard. <br />(4) Within residential zoning districts, political signs shall not exceed nine square feet <br />in area or four feet in height. <br />Orange County, North Carolina -- Unified Development Ordinance Page 6 -74 <br />