Orange County NC Website
Article 6: Development Standard <br />Section 6.12: Sicinm <br />vis <br />(4) Sign shall not e n any right-of-way, sight visibility <br />_ b*r. <br />| ��/gL_Parks, Public and Non-profit; Recreational Facilities, Non-Prmfit;Recreational <br />Facilities, Golf Courses; and Recreational Facilities, Profit <br />(1) Purpose and Intent <br />(a) Unlike signs for non-residential development(s), signs for recre ional <br />land uses are intended to serve a different function and purp e. Signs <br />within these types of land uses are intended to provide ess tial <br />information concerning: <br />(i) Rules and regulations governing the operation f the facility; <br />(ii) Educational information identifying unique a ects of the facility, <br />the property itself, or significant environm tal features that are <br />located on the property; and <br />(iii) Identification of sponsors or public/pri te partnerships that are <br />responsible for the development, u eep, and maintenance of <br />existing recreational amenities. <br />(b) e some of this information could b onstrued as being advertising <br />ate ial, the County views such sign as identifying those responsible <br />for the istence of the facility and ows for recognition of entities that <br />have en ed into partnerships wi the operator of the facility to provide <br />(2) Applicability <br />The regulations included erein go em the erection of signs at the following: <br />(a) Parks, Public and n- ofit, <br />(b) Recreational Facilitie , on-Profit, <br />(c) Recreational Facil* ies, G Courses, and <br />(3) Permitted Signs <br />(a) Freestan i g identification signs a ouncing the name of the facility/land <br />use are ubject to the following stan rd s: <br />(1) There shall be only one freesta ing identification sign per <br />Freestanding identification signs sh be limited to 20 square <br />feet of sign area. In Economic Develd ment Districts, a <br />maximum sign area of 32 square feet s 11 be permitted, <br />(iii) The sign may be either a ground or pole si , <br />(iv) Freestanding identification signs shall be set ck a minimum of <br />ten feet from all property lines, and <br />(v) Illumination of freestanding identification signs sha be permitted <br />in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, <br />(b) Wall Signs <br />(i) Shall either be mounted or painted on a building. <br />(ii) All wall signs shall be offset a minimum of five feet from the <br />corner of the building face on which it is mounted. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 6-85 <br />