Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8E8982E7 -EFF8- 4214- 979D- 9D572ED220CC <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />• Responding to emails <br />• Grant writing <br />• Leading committee meetings <br />• Develop system to estimate the size and demographics of event attendance <br />• Liaison with collaborating organizations <br />This, in turn, will allow Board members to spend more time to <br />• Develop major fundraising and sponsorship opportunities <br />• Institute formal strategic planning and organizational development <br />• Develop relationships with community leaders <br />• Increase diversity of communities served <br />• Increase outreach efforts <br />• Develop marketing plans to attract more volunteers, donations, grants and <br />major sponsors <br />• Increase net operating income from retail operations <br />• Plan income - earning new programs, such as of offering art classes to the <br />public and in schools, including our growing group of home school families <br />e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel Hill <br />Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, Town of <br />Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other community priorities (i.e. <br />Council /Board Goals). <br />The HAC supports the following formal goals of our local governing bodies. <br />Chapel Hill Human Services Needs Assessment <br />Under Education and Family Resources, HAC addresses the goals of "Quality <br />equitable education for everyone" and "Youth support and activities (low- cost /free <br />activities that positively engage children and youth)." HAC provides workshops <br />for both the Handmade Parade and the Lantern Walk events. We also plan to <br />offer more art education classes both inside and outside the school system. <br />Under Jobs & Jobs Training, HAC strives to create more jobs for artists, <br />particularly through planned classes both inside and outside the school system. <br />Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities <br />Goal 3 is to Implement planning and economic development policies which <br />create a balanced, dynamic local economy, and which promote diversity, <br />sustainable growth, and enhanced revenue while embracing community values. <br />HAC's promotion of the arts is a well - established driver of clean economic <br />development as is its attraction of tourists to its cultural events. <br />Goal 6 is to Ensure a high quality of life and lifelong learning that champions <br />diversity, education at all levels, libraries, parks, recreation, and animal welfare. <br />HAC's workshops and art classes support this goal. <br />Town of Chapel Hill Council Goals <br />In the category of Create a Place for Everyone, the goal to "Leverage <br />partnerships to increase cultural arts" is directly supported by the HAC. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 2/11/2018 4:28:29 PM Page 15 of 26 <br />