Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 8E8982E7 -EFF8- 4214- 979D- 9D572ED220CC <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />• Orange County Community Players: Ad hoc committee to seek out a <br />performance and classroom space in Hillsborough. <br />• Orange County Schools: <br />• Student Art Show: shared events and co- marketing <br />• ARTCYCLE collection: material sharing and co- marketing for Orange County <br />Schools <br />• Cultural Explosion, Orange County Schools: a school program in which HAC <br />staffs a booth <br />• Year End Senior Art Show: a collaboration with the Library and Chamber of <br />Commerce <br />• Artists as Speakers: (informal but ongoing), exploring what it takes to be a <br />working artist in the real world <br />• Student volunteering in the HAC to fulfill community involvement <br />requirements. <br />• Town of Hillsborough: Selection of the town Poet Laurate, event contract to <br />produce and develop Last Fridays, co- marketing <br />• Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce: Member and coordination with local <br />merchants. <br />• Orange County Visitors Center: Arts & Craft Show, shared events and co- <br />marketing <br />• Alliance for Historical Hillsborough: The HAC is a partner in the Alliance. <br />• Efland Cheeks Community Center: Ongoing support in developing an Art and <br />Culture Committee, identifying and implementing ongoing programming <br />Program Description (3 pages OR LESS) <br />Please provide the following information about the proposed program: <br />d) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address a <br />Town /County priority /goal? <br />HAC is responsible for a wide variety of cultural events and activities. For details <br />please see the list of 13 different categories of activities in the Work Statement <br />Chart of Section 3.n. These activities support Town and County goals by <br />contributing to the quality of life, lifelong learning, the creative arts, economic <br />development, and building community across cultural lines. <br />The HAC seeks funding to expand the position of Program Coordinator from half- <br />time to full -time. This would provide support for growing ongoing operations and <br />advance initiatives aimed at serving more diverse communities and improving <br />long -term sustainability. <br />The HAC faces a classic bootstrapping situation in a period of growth. Professional <br />staff and equipment are needed in order to raise more funds, but funds are needed <br />first to pay for the staff and equipment. Support from grants will be needed for a few <br />years while other sources of revenue are developed to the point of sustainability. <br />More specifically the requested funds would enable better management of ongoing <br />activities while taking over many everyday tasks that are now being done by Board <br />members, including <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 2/11/2018 4:28:29 PM P a g e 14 of 2 6 <br />