Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: D068E7B0- D869- 43F4- B35C- 428F10E3BDC1 <br />EXHIBIT A: PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br />2. AGENCY INFORMATION (Be Very Brief and Concise) <br />Please provide the following information about your agency (2 pages OR LESS): <br />a) Years in Operation, Date of Incorporation (Month/Year): September 1978 <br />We will celebrate our 40th anniversary this year, as the founding community mediation <br />center in North Carolina! <br />b) Agency's Purpose /Mission (no more than a few sentences): <br />Mission: "To promote and bring about the peaceful settlement of disputes and <br />prevent the escalation of conflict through mediation, conciliation, facilitation, and <br />training." <br />We assist individuals and groups to work through interpersonal conflicts, or to reach <br />mutually agreeable decisions in constructive ways. <br />We help organizations and schools make systemic change in how members work <br />together, solve issues, and deal with infractions or breaches within the organization <br />or school, using conflict resolution and Restorative Practices techniques. <br />c) Types of Services the Agency Provides (bullet format): <br />o Mediation for court - referred and community- referred interpersonal disputes <br />including family, business, neighborhood, Medicaid Appeals, and eldercare; <br />o Training for adults in conflict resolution, mediation, and facilitation, as well as <br />interventions in disputes; <br />o Facilitation, mediation and consensus - building for groups, organizations, and <br />governmental units; and <br />o Training, mediation and development of Restorative Practices for youth in <br />school, community, and juvenile court settings. <br />d) Agency's History with Providing These Services: <br />Court Mediation: We have provided mediation services since 1978. DSC relieves <br />the Orange County Criminal District of cases best settled through mediation - <br />thereby freeing up judges and court staff for other issues, and providing a more <br />humane and effective forum for interpersonal disputes between neighbors, co- <br />workers, family members and others. <br />Community Mediation: We offer sliding scale separation and divorce mediation <br />sessions on issues including parenting arrangements, financial divisions, alimony <br />and custody. <br />We also help families with eldercare issues and neighbors and small business <br />people with disputes. In 2012 we began assisting Orange County Medicaid <br />Agency Information 1/22/2018 4:11:17 PM Page 10 of 27 <br />