Orange County NC Website
<br />PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/18/2018 7:54:45 PM Page 20 of 29 <br />Our programs target the children who need us the most. Any child aged six to 14 <br />with an identified need can enroll in our program at no cost. Parents and guardians <br />are the most important connection to our program. They recognize the potential of <br />their children better than anyone. By enrolling a child in our program, parents are <br />introducing a path that is brighter and more promising. <br /> <br /> <br />g) Describe the credentials of the program manager and other key staff. (Ex. <br />Identify Program Manager and credentials, describe training provided to <br />volunteers, etc.) <br /> <br />Our VP of Programs, Andie Thomas-Young, has a B.A. in Psychology and <br />Sociology from Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, VA. She also has a M.S. in <br />Sociology, with a concentration in criminal justice. She worked with BBBS of Central <br />Virginia before moving to BBBST in 2001. <br /> <br />All of our program staff have social work backgrounds and are required to <br />participate in regular staff trainings to continue to grow professionally. <br /> <br />h) Describe the specific period over which the activities will be carried out and <br />include an implementation timeline. Our activities occur all throughout the year. <br />Community-Based matches spend at least eight to 10 hours together each month, <br />while Site-Based matches spend at least one hour a week together during a typical <br />school year. Our Match Support Specialists provide ongoing monthly support to <br />each and every match. After the initial match process, volunteers, parents, and <br />children are contacted on a regular basis to ensure the effectiveness of our service <br />delivery model. Every day, our program staff is on the phone with volunteers and <br />clients, securing anecdotal evidence on the impact of the match. <br /> <br /> <br />i) Why is funding this program a good investment for the community? How <br />does funding this program add value to the community? (250 words OR <br />LESS) There are several ways that our mentoring programs are a good investment <br />for the community. Studies show that children who have role models are more likely <br />to improve in school and in their relationships with their friends and family <br />members. They are also less likely to skip school, commit crimes, and abuse drugs <br />and alcohol. What is especially valuable is that our impact is felt long after Littles <br />graduate from our program. In 2009, Harris Interactive surveyed alumni Littles and <br />gathered some compelling data. According to this survey, 90% said their <br />relationship with their Big helped them make better choices throughout their <br />childhood. Eighty-six percent said their relationship with their Big helped them make <br />better choices throughout their adult life. And 76% said they learned right from <br />wrong from their Big. <br /> <br /> <br />j) Describe what would happen if requested funding is not awarded at all or if a <br />reduced allocation is recommended. Because all of our services are offered free <br />of charge, we must fundraise to cover all program costs. Your support over the <br />years has been instrumental in helping us work towards our mission of changing <br />Exhibit A: <br />Provider's Outside Agency Application <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 1381F24A-F27B-438F-AC45-7A16015EA606