2018-410-E Finance - Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle Inc outside agency agreement
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2018-410-E Finance - Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle Inc outside agency agreement
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R 2018-410 Finance - Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle Inc outside agency agreement
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 1381 F24A-F27l3-438F-AC45-7A1 6015EA606 = xhibit A: <br />Provider's Outside Agency Application <br />2. AGENCY INFORMATION (Be Very Brief and Concise) <br />Please provide the following information about your agency (2 pages OR LESS): <br />a) Years in Operation, Date of Incorporation (Month/Year): 10/26/1998. A BBBS <br />agency has operated in our area for 19 years. BBBST, which is the result of a <br />merger between two BBBS agencies, has been in operation for over 12 years. <br />b) Agency's Purpose /Mission (no more than a few sentences): Our mission is to <br />provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported, <br />one -to -one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. <br />c) Types of Services the Agency Provides (bullet format): <br />Community -based mentoring provides children in need of adult role models <br />with a one -to -one mentor relationship with a volunteer from the community. <br />These volunteers receive extensive screening and training from our <br />Enrollment Specialists and our Match Support Personnel. We follow a careful <br />process to make a quality match between youth and the appropriate volunteer <br />in order to promote long -term relationships. The Community -based "Bigs" <br />routinely provide eight to 10 hours a month of quality one -to -one time for each <br />child. These Bigs play an integral role of the lives of their "Littles" by providing <br />a stable adult role model to help guide these children in the right direction. <br />Site -based mentoring provides mentors to children during and after school on <br />their school's campus. Our partnerships with many local schools allow <br />teachers or key school personnel to refer children who may need extra <br />attention to build better social skills or those who may be lacking in a <br />particular area of schoolwork. Although it takes place at schools, our Site - <br />Based Mentoring program isn't limited to the classroom. Of course, some <br />Littles do talk with their Bigs about class, do homework, or read together, but <br />it's perfectly fine to shoot hoops in the gym or play on the playground. At the <br />end of the day, it's really all about starting a friendship, providing guidance, <br />and inspiring them to reach their potential. Site -based volunteers are oriented, <br />screened, and trained to assist this population of children with the same care <br />and detail as our Community -Based volunteers. Matches in Site -Based <br />programs last for one school year and may continue into the next at the <br />request of the parent, child, teacher, and volunteer. <br />As an initiative within our Site -Based program, we launched the first Beyond <br />School WallsSM site in Wake County in November 2017. It is a version of our <br />Site -Based mentoring program whereby a group of students from local <br />elementary and middle schools meet with their Bigs at the workplace instead <br />of the school. These meetings happen once or twice a month over the course <br />of a school year. This allows a company to provide a captive and consistent <br />volunteer team of new adult friends and role models to kids who need it the <br />most. Beyond School Walls enriches both the lives of the employees and the <br />children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Triangle. <br />Agency Information 1/18/2018 7:54:45 PM Page 12 of 29 <br />
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