Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: C72301 F8- C876 -41 B8- A410- 1772A854FDOB <br />How will you For each session, school administrators will determine that at least <br />evaluate the success 30% of the participants are underserved students. We will also <br />of the program? conduct student surveys and request parent feedback at the end of <br />each eight -week session to help measure program effectiveness <br />(e.g., through interest in future sessions, interest in the particular <br />topic, and level of engagement and empowerment). This qualitative <br />data will be used to identify issues and shape solutions, and more <br />broadly, to determine how afterschool programs can help meet the <br />needs of our community. <br />We believe the success of this year's afterschool enrichment <br />program is reflected in the student survey results, which were all <br />positive (examples below): <br />The best part of the club was: <br />• "Learning to play instruments I haven't even seen before." <br />• "Making new friends and not being ashamed of our mistakes." <br />• "Making something that everyone will see and that will last a really <br />long time." <br />What I will always remember about this club is: <br />• "Everyone being loyal and kind to everyone and the fun things we <br />did." <br />• "How they trusted us with the tools." <br />• "That I was part of an awesome project." <br />Why is it important to have this club: <br />• "You meet new persons and make more friends." <br />• "I learned how to build stuff I never learned anywhere else." <br />• "Because the world is not the same without art." <br />Budgeted Expense <br />Budgeted Income aVa <br />Resumes of artists /administrators <br />Current_Resume_2018.pdf <br />Sara h _Cornette_Resume_2018.docx.pdf <br />Board of Directors List <br />Scroggs _Leadership_Team_2017- 2018.pdf <br />IRS Tax Exemption n/a <br />Publicity Samples <br />Enews_Paperhand_Puppet.pdf <br />Work Samples <br />Music_Club.jpg <br />IMG_4610.jpg <br />IMG -8388 1.JPG <br />