2018-406-E Arts - Scroggs Elementary arts grant
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2018-406-E Arts - Scroggs Elementary arts grant
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8/17/2018 11:48:48 AM
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R 2018-406 Arts - Scroggs Elementary arts grant
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DocuSign Envelope ID: C72301 F8- C876 -41 B8- A410- 1772A854FDOB <br />Project Goals Scroggs has been designated a "Title I Focus School" based on data <br />showing that the majority of our economically- disadvantaged <br />students — primarily our African - American, Burmese, Karen, and <br />Latino students — are continuing to fail to meet state standards for <br />math and literacy. Our efforts to address this situation include <br />increasing the enrichment activities for all students, especially those <br />with little access to science, technology, and arts programs outside <br />of school. As underserved students comprise 30% of our school's <br />population (determined by free - and - reduced lunch qualification), this <br />is a crucial effort. <br />There is an abundance of research demonstrating that afterschool <br />programs can have a positive effect on academic as well as health <br />and social - emotional factors that contribute to school success. The <br />requested funds will help us provide free arts enrichment afterschool <br />by removing the financial, capacity, and transportation barriers to <br />equitable participation. This will help ensure every student at Scroggs <br />has access to quality arts enrichment. The primary goal of this <br />project is to provide arts enrichment afterschool to as many of our <br />underserved students as possible, with at least 30% of club <br />participants from our underserved populations to reflect our school <br />demographics. <br />Audience Description Our afterschool enrichment program is focused on our economically - <br />disadvantaged students - primarily our African - American, Burmese, <br />Karen, and Latino students. The Scroggs student population is <br />Caucasian (55 1/6), African American (15 0/6), Hispanic /Latino (1110/6), <br />Asian /Asian American (8 0/6), Karen /Burmese (2 0/6), Native American <br />(1 0/6), and two or more ethnicities (8 0/6). 30% of our school population <br />is eligible for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. <br />Location Description The music and art afterschool enrichment clubs take place in <br />Scroggs classrooms. The school was built in 1999 and is compliant <br />with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The art and music <br />room are well- equipped. The music room has a full set of ORFF <br />instruments, a full set of hand - drums, keyboard, SMART board, and <br />internet access. In addition, Scroggs has a small stage in the <br />gymnasium which can be used for performances. The art room is <br />equipped with a kiln, a courtyard, access to the outside for all <br />students (wheelchair accessible doors and elevations), and there are <br />a variety of tools creating access for children with all kinds of <br />abilities. In addition, the art room has internet access and a screen <br />for viewing artwork around the world. <br />
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