Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: C72301 F8- C876 -41 B8- A410- 1772A854FDOB <br />Project /Program Scroggs has established an afterschool enrichment program with <br />Summary innovative, hands -on activities for our underserved students in <br />grades 3 -5 and their peers. The clubs are free -of- charge for all <br />students, thereby eliminating the stigma that lower- income families <br />feel when required to apply for scholarships, and bus transportation <br />is provided for those in need. In addition, the Scroggs PTA provides <br />healthy snacks for all participants. There are two eight -week <br />sessions, one in the fall and one in the spring. Led by certified <br />Scroggs teachers, five afterschool clubs serve approximately 75 -80 <br />students per session and encompass a range of STEAM topics, <br />including Music, Art, Chess, Robotics, Sustainable Design, and Logic <br />Games. All of the clubs were filled to capacity, and in fact, several <br />teachers accepted more students than originally planned. <br />This project is to fund the teacher salaries and consumable supplies <br />for the Music and Art Clubs for two eight -week sessions (fall 2018 <br />and spring 2019). In the Community Art Club, students collaboratively <br />design and create artwork for our school or community where there <br />is an opportunity for creative expression. They conduct research and <br />are inspired by community resources, including a trip to a local art <br />museum. Students in the Passionate about Percussion Club utilize <br />skills learned in their music classes combined with the processes of <br />group problem - solving, team - building, and creative collaboration. <br />This club explores a range of instruments with the goal of creating a <br />small, but proficient repertoire of music. <br />Project Start Date Oct. 1, 2018 <br />(no earlier than July <br />1, 2018) <br />Project End Date (no April 30, 2019 <br />later than June 30, <br />2019) <br />