Orange County NC Website
_ 2Q <br />U.S. CEPARTME`IT OF AGRICULTURE PAGE 2 OF 2 <br />NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SER`JICE 08/9/00 <br />BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT <br />Endnote -- BUILDING SITE pEVELOPME,~1T <br />This report shows the degree and kind of soil limitations that affect shallow excavations, dwellings with and without <br />basements, small commercial buildings, local roads and atzeets, and lawns and landscaping. The limitations are <br />"Slight", "Moderate", or "Severs". The limit~ltions are considered "Slight" if soil properCies and site features are <br />generally favorable for the indicated use and limitaions are minor and easily overcame; "Moderate" iE soil properties <br />or site features are not favorable Fox the indicated use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to <br />overcame or miniy~ize the limitations; and "Severe" if soil properties or site features are se unfavorable oz so <br />difficult to overcome that special design, significant increases in construction costa, and possibly increased <br />maintenance are required. Special feasibility studies may be required where the soil limitations are severe. <br />SHALLDW EXCAVATIONS are trenches or holes dug to a maximum depth o£ 5 or 6 feet Por basements, graves, utility lines, <br />open ditches, and other purposes. The ratings are based on Boil properties, site features, and observed performance of <br />the soils. The ease of digging, filling, and compacting is, affected by the depth to bedrock, a cemented pan, or a very <br />firm dense layer; stone content; soil texture; and slope. The time oP the year Chat excavations can be made is <br />affected by the depth Co a seasonal high wafer table and the susceptibility of the soil to flooding. The resistance of <br />the excavation wall s. or bands to sloughing or caving is affected by soil texture and the depth Co the water table. <br />DWELLINGS AND SMALL COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS are structures bui1C on shallow foundations on undisturbed soil. The load <br />limit is the same as that for single-family dwellings np higher than three stories. Ratings are made far small <br />commercial buildings without basements, for dwellings with basements, and far dwellings withouC basements. The ratings <br />are based on soil properCies, aiCe features, and observed performance of the soils. A high water table, depth to bedrock <br />or to a cemented pan, large stones, slope, and flooding affecC Che ease of excavation and construction. Landscaping <br />and grading Chat require cuts and fills cf more than 5 or 6 feet are not considered. <br />LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS ,have an all-weather surface and Carry automobile and light truck kraffiC all year. They <br />have a subgrade of cut oz fill soil material, a base oP gravel, crushed rock, or stabilized soil material, and a <br />flexible or rigid surface. Cute and fills are generally properties, site PeaCuzes, and observed performance of the <br />soils. Depth tq bedrock or to a cemented pan, a high water Cable, flooding., large stones, and slope affect the ease oP <br />excavating and grading. Soil strength (ae inferred from the engineering classification of the soil), shrink-swell <br />potential, frost action potential, and depth to a high water table affect the traffic-supporting capacity. <br />LAWNS AND LANDSCAPING require soils on which turf and ornamental trees and shrubs can be established and <br />maintained. The ratings are based o_n soil propert.iea, site features, and observed performance of the soils. soil <br />reaction, a high'waCer table, depth to bedrock or to a cemented pan, the available water capacity in the upper a0 <br />inches, and the content of salts, sodium, and sulfidic materials affect plant gzowth. Flooding, wetness, slope, <br />stoniness, and the amount oP sand, clay, or organic maCCer in the surface layer affect trafficability after vegetation <br />is established. <br />