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approach that radically alters base assumptions of the current financing framework, or is <br />unduly delayed, administrative planning for billing may not be completed in time for the <br />normal billing cycle. <br />The Environmental Finance Center of the Institute of Government (EFC) at UNC has <br />been providing county staff assistance over the past several months in developing the <br />financial database used in the analysis and offering general financial information and <br />guidance. The specialized financial- assistance provided by the EFC has been invaluable <br />in our efforts to provide accurate and reliable financial information and policy advice to <br />the BOCC. The EFC's expertise in governmental financing has resulted in several <br />recommendations regarding financial assumptions and responsible financial management <br />practices for enterprise funds. <br />Statement of Problem <br />The solid waste management enterprise fund will be unable to continue providing the <br />same level of service in FY 2004/05 as is now provided without major financial decisions <br />that provide additional revenue. It should be noted that no state or general fund <br />appropriations are provided to fund recycling, nor waste reduction activities within the <br />enterprise fund, with the exception of state reimbursements of an advance disposal fee for <br />white goods and scrap tires and some small grants received on a competitive basis. <br />Reimbursements for scrap tires and white goods only partially fund those programs. <br />The proposed fee will provide the funding necessary to fund the current and future <br />shortfall in revenue caused primarily by: <br />• the success of local waste reduction programs in reducing waste being disposed, <br />resulting in corresponding reductions. in tipping fee revenue that has historically <br />funded solid waste programs /services, <br />• investments in recycling and waste reduction programs whose recovered materials <br />market value is significantly inadequate to pay for those recycling and waste <br />reduction programs /services, and <br />• Orange County tipping fees are higher than other regional disposal options <br />Figure 1 represents an illustration of the projected county recycling expenditures and <br />revenues over the next nine years, which forms the basis for the need for supplemental <br />income for these financially non - sustainable programs /services. <br />