Item 1 - Agenda 05-05-2004
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-05-2004
Item 1 - Agenda 05-05-2004
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8/14/2018 4:23:05 PM
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8/14/2018 4:21:07 PM
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r2 <br />• Personal Property (single -wide mobile homes) — 1 unit each for billing <br />purposes (except for those outside mobile home parks and outside areas <br />receiving rural curbside service) <br />FEE CALCULATION ASSUMPTIONS <br />• Objective is to maintain rates unchanged for five years <br />• 88 percent recovery rate assumed for collections (due to lack of statutory authority to <br />collect as taxes) <br />• Fee is calculated by dividing each category's revenue shortfall amount by # of units <br />in customer class <br />• Staff will continue service area assessments /data base computations in order to refine <br />the number of units used for calculating fees in each service category, so the actual <br />number of units to be billed (billing database) will continue to be perfected until the <br />time of billing <br />provides a summary of the comprehensive �, <br />financial analysis and <br />illustrates projected revenues /expenditures by program <br />LEGAL AS SUMPTIONS <br />• That the WRRR Fee will be structured so that legal collection options will be <br />maximized, however, WRRRF do not have the same collection options -as those <br />available for the collection of taxes or availability fees <br />• The County- Attorney has included a letter that further discusses the legal issues <br />related to the proposed fee aff a. <br />Key Issues <br />• .Billing will likely generate increased demand for services that will be unable to be <br />met immediately. If fee generates income over what is necessary, additional revenue <br />could be used to expand services beyond those modest expansions already assumed. <br />• Difficulty in maintaining ongoing estimates of separate programs because of trend to <br />integrate (Drop -Off Site, MF, Rural Curb., etc.) services for efficiency. <br />• Current solid waste programs and services are based on street address at point of <br />service. Tax billing database based on property identification numbers. Significant <br />effort underway to convert physical addresses to PIN numbers. Additionally, many <br />tax - exempt properties do not have assigned PIN numbers or are missing other key <br />information such as whether it's improved, etc. <br />• Tax Assessor recommends that m order for the 2004 tax bills to be distributed on <br />time, that the BOCC make a final decision on the WRRRF by early to mid April, <br />assuming only minor modifications to staff assumptions. In order for the bills to be <br />distributed on time (first week in August), the billing database needs to be finalized <br />10 <br />
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