Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC HEALTH TASK FORCE 2004: PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS <br />PUBLIC HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br />14) Establish a process for comprehensive collaborative <br />planning that integrates state and local need <br />assessment, priorities, and strategic program <br />objectives. <br />Need Addressed /Rationale <br />NC Public Health System needs a comprehensive, collaborative process for planning that includes <br />valuable input from local public health agencies and Healthy Carolinians Partnerships as well as a <br />wide - variety of state agencies, and public health programs. This collaborative process will foster good <br />communication among the pubic health community, coordination of programs and services, and <br />cooperation toward health improvement outcomes. A collective process will support good fiscal <br />management and avoid duplication of services and careful articulation of gaps and emerging issues. <br />Infrastructure /Capacity Improvement <br />The recommendation, if implemented, would provide for the following improvements: <br />=> Develop and implement a collaborative State Public Health Plan to cover four years and <br />updated annually. <br />State Center for Health Statistics will provide county specific health data to local health <br />agencies for the purpose of local planning and priority setting. <br />The Office of Healthy Carolinians will compile and report information on local needs, <br />community priorities, and action plans to state level programs. <br />Establish an annual integrated planning cycle to inform state and local decision makers <br />regarding program priorities and funding allocations. <br />Budget <br />No ' new funding required. <br />FTEs <br />O State <br />O Local <br />29 <br />