Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC HEALTH TASK FORCE 2004: PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS <br />PUBLIC HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br />12) Improve the data and epidemiology to drive state <br />and local decision- making and. allocation of <br />resources. <br />Need Addressed <br />Public health covers many fronts and is challenged in many ways. This breadth of responsibilities <br />often makes public health difficult to define to the public and state /local leaders. Additionally, <br />without a common set of indicators, it is difficult to monitor the State's health, identify gaps and <br />priorities, develop and implement statewide plans, and adequately correlate resources to high priority <br />issues. Establishing a common set of indicators will provide a clear statement for public health <br />business and can be used to monitor the health of the state and manage state /local resources. <br />Infrastructure /Capacity Improvement <br />Implementation of this recommendation would: <br />=:> Establish a common set of core health indicators. <br />=> Build capacity to conduct the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) to <br />provide county- specific or county cluster data. <br />Enhance the opportunities to collect and report county or county cluster health <br />information on children (e.g. Youth Risk Behavior Survey). <br />Identify and analyze existing state and local public health problems, health disparities, and <br />potential threats. <br />Identify the best scientific and evidence -based strategies to address identified public <br />health problems at the local level. <br />=> Provide Epidemiology training for local partners. <br />Budget FTEs <br />$300,000 BRFSS . (7) State <br />• $100, 000 PH problem and threat assessment (0) Local <br />•. $200,000 Best Practices <br />$200,000 Epidemiology training <br />27 <br />