Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC HEALTH TASK FORCE 2004: PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS <br />PUBLIC HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br />11) Perform and distribute a Self Assessment of the <br />Division of Public Health using National <br />Performance Standards. <br />Need Addressed /Rationale <br />No national accrediting body exists for state level public health agencies. However, CDC has <br />developed a set of National Performance Standards that the state can use as a benchmark for evaluating <br />the Division of Public Health's ability to fulfill its role in providing effective public health services. <br />Infrastructure/Capacity Improvement <br />Implementation of this recommendation would link quality improvement efforts at the state level with <br />national standards, and align the state's quality improvement process with local efforts. <br />Budget FTEs <br />No new funding required. (0) State <br />(0) Local <br />25 <br />