Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC HEALTH TASK FORCE 2004: PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS <br />PUBLIC HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br />7) Create public health "incubators" to support regional <br />collaboration by sharing resources and developing <br />economies of scale <br />Need Addressed /Rationale <br />The Northeast Regional Partnership was formed in 1999 and is composed of 10 local health <br />departments covering an 18 county region. This Partnership, which is governed by a board composed <br />of the local health directors and state level representatives, is supported administratively by one of the <br />departments. The Northeast Partnership has secured federal grant funds to support the regional work of <br />an epidemiologist and a health disparities coordinator. This recommendation seeks to seed similar <br />regional collaborations on a one -time basis with ongoing support proposed to come from the <br />participating counties. <br />Infrastructure /Capacity Improvement <br />Implementation of this recommendation would result in the establishment of three regional resources to <br />assist county -level public health agencies develop cooperative approaches to service delivery, <br />organization and preparedness. It is expected that, once established, these regional incubators would <br />become self sustaining through user fees. <br />Budget FTEs <br />• $375,000 one -time funding to establish (0) State <br />three (3) .regional incubator pilots . at . (0) Local <br />$1255000 @. = <br />21 <br />