Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC HEALTH TASK FORCE 2004: PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS <br />PUBLIC HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br />3) Cont'd. Establish an Office of Accountability in the <br />Division of Public Health that will implement a formal <br />reporting and accountability process for the state and <br />local public health agencies. <br />The committee has also worked to identify a set of "Best Practice" indicators. These will be less <br />global than the CW1 measures and more specifically related to the charge of local health departments. <br />Examples may include: percent of children receiving appropriate immunizations by 24 months of age; <br />percent of women receiving adequate prenatal care; percent of restaurants appropriately inspected, etc. <br />The committee also proposed a system for state public health accountability based on the key measures <br />current stakeholders use to hold DPH accountable. Examples include: percent of infants receiving <br />mandated newborn metabolic screenings; percent of very low birthweight infants born at tertiary care <br />centers, birth rate for teens ages 15 -17, etc. <br />Budget FTEs <br />• $300,000 for Accountability Office staff, operating (3) State <br />costs, reporting and dissemination (0) Local <br />15 <br />