Orange County NC Website
PUBLIC HEALTH TASK FORCE 2004: PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS <br />PUBLIC HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br />PART 2: CORE SERVICE GAPS <br />Planning & Outcomes Committee <br />18. Eliminate funding gaps in critical public health services: <br />=* School Nurse Services* $ 13,144,214/Page 42 <br />=> AIDS Prevention/Control $ 3,341,656/Page 43 <br />=> HIV/AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) $ 12,100,000/Page 44 <br />=> Title VI Compliance $ 1,156,849/Page 45 <br />=:> Chronic Disease Prevention $ 18,356,773/Page 46 <br />=> Injury Prevention $1,075,000/Page 47 <br />==> Immunizations (Prevnar) $ 13,113,249/Page 48 <br />* Funding earmarked for local health departments and local educational agencies; provides for schools <br />nurses to be placed in counties at a rate of 263 /year over four years to achieve a statewide nurse - <br />student ratio of 1:750. Request is for a four year (2005 -2008) implementation schedule: <br />=> Year 1: $ 13,144,214 <br />=> Year 2: $ 26,288,428 <br />=> Year 3: $ 39,432,642 <br />=> Year 4: $ 52,576,856/year ongoing <br />MINORITY REPORT <br />Structure & Organization Committee <br />The State Health Director and the reunited Divisions of Public <br />Health and Environmental Health should be located in the <br />Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources <br />(DEHNR) with the state health director reporting directly to the <br />Secretary. Page 49 <br />9 <br />