Orange County NC Website
Saturday. <br />3. To make any non - essential use of water for commercial <br />or public use, and the use of single service plates <br />and utensils is encouraged and recommended in <br />restaurants. <br />D. In the event the water level of University Lake declines <br />to a stage V level above mean sea level, in feet, a <br />stage V water shortage EMERGENCY shall be deemed in <br />effect. In the event the water level of Lake Orange <br />declines to a stage V elevation of water below Lake <br />Orange spillway, in feet, a stage V water shortage <br />EMERGENCY shall be deemed in effect, and in addition to <br />the restrictions heretofore imposed, the following <br />stringent mandatory water restrictions shall be in <br />effect, and in addition to the restrictions heretofore <br />imposed, the following severe mandatory water <br />restrictions shall be in effect. It shall be unlawful: <br />1. To use water outside a structure for any use other <br />than an emergency use involving fire. <br />2. To operate an evaporative air conditioning unit which <br />recycles water except during the operating hours of <br />the business. <br />3. To introduce water into any swimming pool. <br />E. In the event the water level of University Lake - <br />declines to a stage VI level above mean sea level, in <br />feet, a stage VI water shortage CRISIS shall be deemed <br />in effect. In the event the water level of Lake Orange <br />declines to a stage VI elevation of water below Lake <br />Orange spillway, in feet, a stage VI water shortage <br />CRISIS shall be deemed in effect, and a system of water <br />rationing shall be put in effect in addition to all <br />previously imposed restrictions. In the event of water <br />rationing in which water will be supplied in the minimal <br />quantities required for the health, welfare, and safety <br />of the citizens in accordance with a program determined <br />by Orange County: <br />1. It shall be unlawful to fail to act in accordance <br />therewith or use water in any manner or attempt to <br />evade or avoid such water rationing restrictions. <br />2. Fire protection will be maintained, but where <br />possible tank trucks shall use raw water. <br />