Orange County NC Website
Town of Hillsborough - Proposed Water Restriction Stages <br />July 24, 2003 Revision <br />These restrictions apply to Town of Hillsborough municipal water supply usage only. <br />Stage 0 — "No Stage" - Normal Conditions <br />Stage 1- Voluntary Restrictions <br />Implementation -This stage begins when the usable water capacity remaining is less than 180 days of supply. <br />Recommendations: <br />• Provide water saving devices to the public. <br />• Provide daily or weekly reservoir level and water usage statistics. <br />• Recommend water usage reduction techniques through water bills, fliers, notices, town web page and media. <br />• Recommend a usage reduction of 10% for all customers. <br />Stage 2 - Mandatory Restrictions <br />Implementation -This stage begins when the usable water capacity remaining is less than 135 days of supply. <br />Requirements & recommendations: <br />• Require water usage reduction techniques listed in Stage 1 and limited outdoor water use. <br />• Recommend a usage reduction of 20% for all customers. <br />• No private car washing (commercial car washing is permitted). <br />• No pressure washing. <br />• Alternating day outdoor water use based upon street address (odd or even). <br />Stage 3 — Rationing <br />Implementation -This stage begins when the usable water capacity remaining is less than 90 days of supply. <br />Requirements & recommendations: <br />• Require usage reduction of 30% for both residential and business (allow special medical exemptions) <br />• No outdoor water usage other than emergency /fire protection. <br />• Customers will not be required to use less than the billing minimum. <br />Enforcement: <br />• Use billing system stop checks to catch violators (1000 bills per month). <br />• Allow deferral of 1 st violation if achieved 50% of goal. Waive this fine if goal is reached in the second <br />month <br />• Graduated fines: 1`t offense= S50 Fine + Y Civil Penalty (not to exceed 32000), 2 offense = SJG Fire + 2Y <br />Civil Penalty (not to exceed $400), P offense = S50 Fine + 3Y Civil Penalty (not to exceed 5600), 4t' offense <br />= Discontinuation of water service until restrictions end, or until all fines are paid and assurance given that <br />they will not violate restriction again, and subject to Town Board approval. "Y" equals the violating <br />customer's average water bill. <br />Proposed Town of Hillsborough Policy for Out -of -Town Violator Enforcement <br />• Town of Hillsborough to notify Orange County Sheriff's Department for citations to be issued. <br />• Orange County Sheriff's Department issues citation ONLY upon complaint from the Town of Hillsborough. <br />• Orange County to notify the Town of Hillsborough (732 -2104) about complaints received regarding water restriction <br />violators (applies to any department that receives complaint) <br />