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DocuSign Envelope ID: 123032AC- 70BA -4E92- 9348- 95F9CDA1629A <br />Project End Date (no June 11, 2019 <br />later than June 30, <br />2019) <br />Project Goals The goals for the third grade drumming performance and workshop <br />are: <br />To increase students' understanding of diverse cultures in <br />connection with the third grade Social Studies Standard Course of <br />Study. <br />To increase students' understanding of global, interdisciplinary <br />and 21st century connections with the third grade Music Essential <br />Standards <br />To increase student engagement and ignite excitement about other <br />cultures <br />To give students opportunities to support and celebrate each <br />other's work <br />To provide classroom teachers with a professional development <br />opportunity to learn new strategies for teaching <br />Audience Description Hillsborough Elementary, located in close proximity to downtown <br />Hillsborough, is the only year -round elementary school in the Orange <br />County Schools' district. There are approximately 476 students at the <br />school, 253 males and 214 females, and 17% receive free or reduced <br />lunch. In fourth grade, however, where the residency will take place, <br />21% of students receive free or reduced lunch. The following is a <br />breakdown of the racial and cultural composition of the school as a <br />whole: White — 360, African - American — 56, Multi- racial — 26, Hispanic <br />— 17, and Asian — 8. It is anticipated that there will be a similar racial <br />and cultural composition in third grade next school year. <br />Location Description The drumming residency and workshop will take place at <br />Hillsborough Elementary, in Hillsborough, which is part of the Orange <br />County Schools' district. The performance will take place in the <br />gym /auditorium (stage and floor), and the workshops in the four third <br />grade classrooms. There are wide ramps and railings throughout the <br />school, which lead into the gym making it accessible for individuals <br />with disabilities. The third grade classrooms are located on the <br />second floor of one of the buildings in the school, which is <br />accessible without stairs from one door on the outside, and an <br />elevator on the first floor is available to go to the second floor. <br />