Orange County NC Website
~ - - _ <br />~ - :SW.ANSQ~N AN>~ ASSQCLATES <br />LAND.'S~'CA1?I~ ARCH,IT'1;'CTS <br />October 9; 2000 -, The CnurtYard ~ suite 13 <br />' " , - - g3x Weat Frs4lSlln Street ,. <br />- Clsapel lii1l, No~rlrCarglina,27516 <br />. Phone%Fax (91.91967.3355 <br />- . - - Moblre (914) 2604163 <br />' ~e•mail <br />Mr.:Gayle Wilspn..• • ... ~ .. ~ . . -. <br />-Solid V(~aste Managemelit Director. <br />. 1099?Airport.Road - ~ - • . <br />Chapel. Hi11 NC •2.7514 .. .. , <br />- $u~bject: • f Eubanks Road_Landtill .:. <br />" PRQP.QSAL for.Landscspe Restoration Plan • <br />.Dear Mr. Wilson: ~ ., . <br />While the Grange County• performs an essential service to the cgmmunity, most, people consider <br />.it.a nuisance, :if tkey think'about it atoll: 'Bat, it-is really-a" "diamond in the rough", an asset with a;great <br />potentt"al. I~t i5 "{arge area of open space in public ownership in•an, area of the county where open `space is . <br />fast disappearing.• A portion of the landf 11 is already closed, the construction":and demolition area is - ' <br />scheduled to.close within the next"xwo years, atlu the.remainder will probably be. closed within the next. <br />six years. Therefore, it is important to makeplans for its future. Although a flan for the entire landfill <br />should be done before it,closes, this proposal addresses only the portion of the landfill.lacated north. of . <br />Eubanks Road... - . -. <br />" PR.OPOi,S~~A~:.,. <br />A desire has been expressed by~landfill staff to develop a plan for planting the,closed parts of ttie land .fill <br />in.ecotogically sound ways that will.not compromise the landfill cap,•but will pmvide some liabitat.for <br />more diverse flora and fauna. 'We prQposeao collect data about the closed ~.ortion of the landfill in order <br />to determine existing.conditions on,the site and to understand the`technical issues involving the site. We . <br />then will analyse this data and determine~what types of habitat mightbe appropriate, where~they should <br />be located, acid provide a landscape,restorafion and management plan, includirigsome'proposals for'the <br />yet-to-be-closed.aonstructiorr and demolition portion"of the landfill and the surrounding Eandscape. <br />We will use the North-Carolina Botanical Garden acid related institutions, as .valuableresourees for this <br />project, The Mason Farm $iological .Reserve might serve as an excellent model for.the rnanagement'of " , <br />vegetation for habitatalld wildlife rrranagement. Another area.wheretheir expertise would be particulsi•ly <br />.valuable is in the area of control and eradication of exotic, invasive species and recommendations for <br />native species appropriate for the.revegetation. of the landfill.: ~ . ~ _ <br />The .following includes an outli"lle of work, a{1 ou"tline of costs; and •a timetable for"completing-the work. <br />. '_ .. . _ l.andscape.Archlteceure *.planning • Design <br />