Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 9F15BOF6 -07C7- 4711- 8BD5- 8403D6766EEB <br />Request Summary Grant funds are requested to help fund two of the most important <br />needs of the orchestra, the music director's salary and rent for <br />rehearsal and performance space. Along with music rentals, these <br />are the two most costly items in the annual budget. The annual rent <br />for our rehearsal space is currently set at $1500. The music director's <br />salary is estimated at $6650. <br />Organizational Goals The main qualitative goal of the group is to gradually improve the <br />standards of the orchestra while maintaining an enjoyable performing <br />environment for the players. The music director is primarily <br />responsible for these objectives. The music director helps the group <br />reach a common interpretation of the music, while also providing <br />practical performance advice to individual players. The music <br />director also sets the tone for the orchestra in rehearsal, making sure <br />that the group remains fun for all. Outside rehearsal, the music <br />director serves as the public face of the orchestra. <br />Affordable rehearsal space is absolutely vital to support the main <br />operational goal of the group, to prepare and perform four free <br />concerts a year. The relatively modest budget of the orchestra is only <br />possible with an inexpensive rehearsal and performance venue. <br />The support of grant resources helps lift pressure from the CHP's <br />member donations. The orchestra seeks to keep its requested <br />member donations as low as possible, so that the dues do not <br />become a barrier to entry into the group. <br />How will you The CHP does not have a formal process for evaluating our concerts. <br />evaluate whether or However, the main thrust of the orchestra's efforts during the year is <br />not your goals have continuous improvement for both individuals and the ensemble. The <br />been met? group makes archive recordings of each concert, allowing musicians <br />the chance to assess their performance. <br />How do you promote The orchestra pursues a low -cost approach to publicity for our <br />and publicize the programs, using a website, word -of- mouth, flyers, online calendars, <br />work of your newspaper listings, an e-mail list, and social media to promote our <br />organization? events. The group has been able to consistently build a good <br />audience without significant spending on advertising. <br />Please describe <br />The CHP has always been primarily supported by member donations. <br />efforts by your <br />In the past few seasons the orchestra has tried to diversify its <br />organization to <br />funding sources, starting a small endowment fund in 2013, selling <br />generate revenue. <br />some advertising in our programs, applying for local grant funding, <br />and collecting small donations at concerts. The group's revenue plan <br />for the upcoming year is 50% from member donations, 10% from <br />endowment returns, 20% from grants and 20% from outside sources. <br />Resumes of artists /administrators <br />Grant_Artists2.pdf <br />Board of Directors List <br />Grant_Directors.pdf <br />