Orange County NC Website
)a <br />D. Provide input and encourage participation in updated county land use plan and <br />concomitant tools, including provisions for transfer of development rights, to <br />conserve and protect resources and open space <br />1) Encourage the adoption of ordinances and policies transferring development <br />rights from rural to urban areas (to conserve rural areas and farmland) <br />E. Encourage compact and higher density development in areas served by water and <br />sewer <br />1) Review and revise as needed permitted land uses in EDDs and activity nodes to <br />encourage the desired businesses identified by Business Climate work group <br />2) Ensure continued collaboration between municipalities and the county to <br />maintain the Urban Growth Boundary to prevent low- density sprawl in rural <br />areas <br />3) Promote redevelopment and re -use of underused and vacant properties <br />4) Coordinate and enhance housing and transportation options in downtown areas <br />5) Support towns in exploring parking needs for downtowns <br />6) Inventory water supply resources and agreements <br />F. Encourage mixed use projects that support walkable communities <br />1) Create opportunities and incentives for people to live close to their workplace <br />2) Examine efficacy of establishing rural activity nodes <br />G. Promote public transportation, alternative modes of transportation, and encourage <br />car pooling and park and ride participation to reduce reliance on single occupant <br />vehicles <br />1) Promote telecommuting and flex -time (ex. EPA reward program) <br />2) Preserve land and right -of -ways around existing and future rail line and/or other <br />transportation corridors that could serve as a future mass transit rail line <br />3) Promote density strategy integrating economic development and transportation <br />4) Work to site schools near high- density residential areas, redevelopment sites, and <br />existing transportation networks <br />5) Work to promote high density development along transportation corridors <br />6) Work to expand service area, service hours and frequency, and ridership for area <br />public transportation services <br />7) Promote and develop alternative and regional transportation infrastructure <br />8) Work with employers on travel demand management strategies <br />H. Support Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance to ensure appropriate pace of <br />development <br />1) Permit residential development in accordance with School Adequate Public <br />Facilities Ordinance <br />2) Build and open schools in accordance with School Adequate Public Facilities <br />Ordinance <br />11 <br />