Orange County NC Website
Infrastructure: Infrastructure will be in place to support the county's <br />economic development goals of increasing the commercial tax base and <br />retaining and attracting targeted businesses. <br />A) Extend water and sewer into all three Economic Development Districts <br />B) Establish adequate information networks throughout the towns and county <br />C) Encourage participation and input as appropriate in area plans and projects <br />D) Provide input and encourage participation in updated county land use plan and <br />concomitant tools <br />E) Encourage compact and higher density development in areas served by water <br />and sewer <br />F) Encourage mixed use projects that support walkable communities <br />G) Promote public transportation, alternative modes of transportation, and <br />encourage carpooling and park- and -ride participation <br />H) Support Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance <br />a <br />9 <br />