Agenda - EDC Joint Work Session 112204
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-22-2004
Agenda - EDC Joint Work Session 112204
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Last modified
8/13/2018 3:51:48 PM
Creation date
8/13/2018 3:50:50 PM
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B. Identify barriers <br />1) Convene focus group(s) with business owners and design/development <br />professionals. If defined as a barrier, examine development ordinances to ensure <br />they are not discouraging business <br />C. Provide outreach, recognition, and /or expedited service to new and existing <br />businesses that meet the development criteria. The focus of public regulatory <br />bodies should be making projects that fit the criteria work, giving clear expectations <br />and timelines for project approval. (One possibility, establish economic <br />development facilitator to work with business clients) <br />1) Establish recognition/reward program for businesses that meet desired criteria <br />2) Conduct outreach to businesses meeting criteria (in cooperation with Chambers <br />of Commerce, Research Triangle Regional Partnership, and N.C. Department of <br />Commerce) <br />3) Clarify approval processes — development approval and business permitting <br />process should be clear, concise and timely <br />4) Target loan pool and any available incentives to businesses meeting criteria <br />5) Document work by ED staff as facilitators assisting companies through the <br />development, planning, and permitting process <br />D. Form partnerships both within and outside the county to create a stronger business <br />climate and market the change to existing and potential employers <br />1) Work with UNC to: <br />• Document requirements of UNC spin -off businesses, including spec sheet for <br />basic facility needs <br />• Obtain list of UNC spin -off companies needing space in the near future <br />• Document any appropriate facilities and those that could be retrofitted <br />%courage Develop an economic development portal and single point of contact <br />2) Chambers of Commerce, UNC, County, and Town economic <br />development organizations to meet at least semi - annually to develop <br />collaboration on issues of common concern (Tasks include enhancement of <br />existing shopping districts and identification of future employment zones, e.g., <br />existing/zoned commercial areas, Economic Development Districts, transit <br />corridors) <br />3) Increase funding for EDC to enhance its website and develop other marketing <br />materials <br />4) Form public - private committee of 100 <br />E. Focus public educational efforts on sustainability issues, looking at the social, <br />economic and environmental contributions of local businesses <br />1) Continue and expand the Orange County Business Expo <br />2) Conduct educational campaign around issues of sustainability (in coordination <br />with Council for a Sustainable Community). Examples include print /radio <br />media, op -ed pieces, meeting with editorial boards, connecting buyers and <br />suppliers, speaker's bureaus <br />3) Enhance Buy Local Campaign to increase retail sales and keep sales tax revenue <br />in Orange County <br />E <br />
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