Orange County NC Website
Orange County <br />Hillsborough <br />North Carolina <br />3uaget oFboe <br />TO: Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />FROM: Donna Dean, Budget Director <br />DATE: October 21, 2004 <br />RE: October 25, 2004 Debt Issuance Schedule <br />kar_bmerry � <br />6,-ta6zis1-7ea 4,�5:2 <br />The attached spreadsheet proposes an updated version of the County's Debt Issuance Schedule <br />for currently programmed alternative financing and 2001 voter approved bonds. As with the Board <br />endorsed May 5, 2004 version of the schedule, at a quick glance, the spreadsheet appears very <br />complicated to follow; therefore, the following information attempts to clarify the information <br />contained in the schedule. <br />Columns <br />• Columns A through E (shaded in light green) reflect the issuances that have occurred since <br />fiscal year 2002-03. <br />• Columns F through L approximate, by fiscal year, debt issuance amounts that would be <br />needed for each project. The amounts coincide with the most recent cash flow projections <br />received from County staff as well as the County's bond partners. <br />o Columns M through 0 provide total debt funding for individual projects. <br />Rows <br />o The first line for each project (highlighted in gray) provides, by project, the estimated debt <br />issuance amounts that the Board endorsed at the May 5, 2004 work session. <br />o The second line for each project (highlighted in pink) provides, by project, the most recent <br />debt issuance amounts that staff is proposing on October 25, 2004. <br />• Rows 62 and 63 of the chart includes the Board approved two-thirds net debt bond <br />issuance of $4.2 million that was issued in July 2004. Additional information related to <br />specific project recommendations is included on the spreadsheet entitled "Proposed <br />Projects to Fund with 2004 Two-Thirds Net Debt Bonds" (Attachment 3 of the enclosed CIP <br />materials). <br />• Row 67 (highlighted in gray) of the chart provides the grand total of all projects endorsed by <br />the Board on May 5, 2004. <br />• Row 68 (highlighted in pink) of the chart provides the grand total of all projects proposed by <br />staff on October 25, 2004. <br />o Row 69 of the chart (highlighted in purple) provides the grand total of the approved debt <br />issuance schedule originally approved by the Board on September 3, 2002. <br />Feel free to contact me if you have additional questions regarding the attached Debt Issuance <br />Schedule. <br />7-elepho,ne: PV) F-M,?lZ: PLC. kS FAX: <br />202 Sak th ORP terott Street PO-'& 07Fbce gOx,?Igs <br />