Orange County NC Website
Caseload trends over time. <br />The chart above depicts the number of total Medicaid Cases each month from July <br />2000 through July 2004. <br />The average number of cases per fiscal year is as follows: <br />July 2000 -June 2001 3308 Cases <br />July 2001 -June 2002 3443 Cases <br />July 2002 -June 2003 3908 Cases <br />July2003 -June 2004 4230 Cases <br />The chart below depicts these averages and shows the increase over time. From <br />(2000 -2001) to (2003- 2004), the average number of cases has increased by 28% <br />Average # Medicaid Cases Per Fiscal Year <br />00 -01 01 -02 02 -03 03 -04 <br />1 The Medicaid numbers used in this report represent the cases for which DSS determines eligibility. There are <br />additional Medicaid recipients in the county who receive Medicaid based on their eligibility for Work First or <br />Supplemental Security Income (SSI). <br />