Agenda - 04-19-2005-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-19-2005
Agenda - 04-19-2005-9b
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8/29/2008 10:16:44 AM
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RES-2005-034 Resolution on Participation in the Proposed Regional Transportation Development Plan (RTDP)
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Status of Community Transportation Improvement Plans <br />Durham; Orange and Wake Counties <br />Overview <br />A Community Transportation Service Plan (CTIP) is a prerequisite for funding under the <br />federal and state public transportation grant programs administered by the North Cazolina <br />Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Division (NCDOT, PTD), The plan <br />is to be updated every five years. The CTIP is intended to serve the following purposes. <br />• To evaluate community transit systems current approaches to all facets of <br />management and operations; <br />• To evaluate the results of the current organizational direction; <br />• To identify organizational strengths and to tazget opportunities for improvement on <br />processes and results that affect all key stakeholders -including customers, <br />employees, granting agencies and the public; and <br />• Tc assist the NCDOT, PTD in aligning and maximizing available resaru'ces <br />(employee development/training, administrative, operating and capital funding) to <br />facilitate each system's continuous improvement process. <br />The overall goal of the CTIP is to ensure that all community transportation systems in <br />North Carolina are continuously improving in all aspects of organizational and <br />operational effectiveness in order to reach and maintain a level of service excellence. <br />Durham County CTIP <br />Durham County Access (DCA) provides human service and general public transportation <br />services in Durham County, DCA utilizes a fleet of 16 vehicles to provide transportation <br />to 4 human service agencies. The system provided 51,530 trips in FY04.. DCA is part of <br />the Durham County government structure. Operation of transportation services is <br />contracted out to a private transportation provider, Laidlaw Transit Services, with DCA <br />providing oversight of the program. The contractor also provides ADA pazatransit <br />services in the City of Durham in conjunction with the Durham Area Transit Authority <br />(DATA) fixed route service. The Durham County CTIP was updated ur 2002 by Urbitran <br />Associates, Inc, The plan provided the following recommendations for improvement. <br />Investigate development of a centralized agency contrrol whereby DCA would control <br />the budgets and service planning for the human service agencies contracting with <br />DCA for service versus the billing and accountability issues being addressed between <br />the individual agencies and Laidlaw. Agencies would be billed through DCA rather <br />than directly from Laidlaw, and payment to the operator would be in one consolidated <br />payment. <br />The Transportation Advisory Boazd (TAB) should address the mission of DCA and <br />formalize this with measurable benchn:arlcs for performance. <br />DCA and the TAB should develop a format for an annual report to be provided to <br />Durham County. <br />3/18/2005 <br />
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