Orange County NC Website
6 <br />Planned County Uses of Space at <br />Fairview Community Policing Center <br />October 2000 <br />Health <br />• Prenatal classes <br />• Immunization Clinics for Children <br />• Possible meeting site in Northern Orange for Healthy Carolinians Task Force <br />• Community screening clinics for blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol <br />• Office space/drop-in site for Community Outreach Worker or Home Visiting Staff <br />• Maintain a brochure rack for health education xriaterials for the community <br />• Class site for health education sessions on topics such as breast self-exam, healthy nutrition choices, <br />safe sex, fitness classes, and injury prevention <br />Social Services <br />• Accept applications for the Children's Health Irisurance program and the yearly Low Income Energy <br />Program <br />• Conduct parenting education classes <br />• Meet with residents to provide information on a variety of DSS related topics <br />• Schedule appointments for certain residents <br />• Conduct Work First Orientation Classes <br />Aging <br />• Establish a Senior Club with the assistance of Recreation and Parks to identify leisure interests and <br />other needs in the community <br />• Conduct periodic community information, meetings (tax, insurance, wellness, in-home care, <br />transportation, etc.) <br />• Provide specific individual services tax preparation, vaccination for seniors with assistance of Health <br />Department, etc. <br />Recreation and Parks <br />• Recreation programs would be scheduled in the evenings during the fall and winter programming <br />months, specific programming would include after school programs, evening craft classes, aerobics, <br />and senior programs, etc. <br />