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<br />and school financial records, the Segal firm might identify possible opportunities for efficiencies <br />that do not lend themselves to measurable savings from which the Segal firm might be <br />remunerated. <br />The Board also noted that the Segal firm might engage in analysis, not specifically focused on <br />efficiency, that might have implications regarding comparative resources available to the two <br />school systems. For example, the Segal review might lead to the observation that one school <br />system has one computer available for every x students, while the other school system has one <br />computer available for every y students. That type of observation would be relevant information <br />for Commissioners to consider as they decide how to proceed on policy matters related to <br />school funding equity, and would represent information that the Commissioners would not <br />expect to receive through the Educational Excellence review work performed by Dr. Madeleine <br />Grumet and her research team,. <br />The accompanying proposed agreement between the County and the Segal firm would address <br />this supplemental body of work of analysis to obtain operational efficiencies and comparisons., <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Because the work contemplated in the supplemental contract does not <br />readily lend itself to remuneration for the Segal firm through a portion of savings achieved, the <br />proposed supplemental agreement anticipates paying the Segal firm an hourly rate of $100, <br />with a not to exceed amount of $10,000. Funding for this undertaking would come from an <br />appropriation from Commissioners' Contingency, which has a currently unallocated balance of <br />$42,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board receive the update as <br />information from the Robert Segal CPA firm; approve the supplemental agreement with Segal, <br />subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney; and authorize the Chair to sign it. <br />