2018-358-E Health - Piedmont Health Services WIC agreement
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2018-358-E Health - Piedmont Health Services WIC agreement
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R 2018-358 Health - Piedmont Health Services WIC agreement
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 479CCDE6- 7805- 4D93- 82FB- D6EDOCEE182C <br />PHS /OCHD Memo of Agreement <br />Memorandum of Agreement <br />Between <br />Piedmont Health Services, Inc. WIC Program <br />and <br />Orange County Health Department <br />For WIC Program Services <br />This Memorandum of Agreement made and entered into the 1St day of July 2018 by and between <br />the Orange County Health Department ( "OCHD ") and Piedmont Health Services WIC Program <br />( "PHS "). <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, both PHS and OCHD deem it to be of mutual interest to their <br />patients /clients and their respective organizations to enter into this agreement for certification of <br />WIC clients at OCHD; and <br />WHEREAS, both parties desire to reduce the terms of this agreement to writing; <br />NOW THEREFORE, and in consideration of the mutual promises to the other as <br />hereinafter set forth, the parties hereby mutually agree as follows: <br />A. PHS agrees to perform in a manner satisfactory to OCHD the following responsibilities: <br />1. Provide WIC services to Maternal and Child Health clinic clients at OCHD in <br />Hillsborough following the policies, procedures and flow of patients as <br />established by OCHD. Services will include height and weight assessment, <br />nutrition assessment and education, WIC certification, food vouchers issuance, <br />child immunization assessment, and appropriate patient referrals in accordance <br />with state WIC policies. <br />2. Provide the necessary supervision, training and policy guidance to carry out the <br />tasks identified above in consultation with the designated OCHD liaison. <br />3. Provide personnel for coverage during vacations and other approved leave except <br />PHS scheduled holidays and unavoidable emergencies. Inform the OCHD liaison <br />when WIC staff will be absent so that OCHD clinic staff can be notified. <br />4. Schedule meetings as needed with the OCHD liaison and WIC Director to discuss <br />problems, procedures, changes in policy and to establish and review objectives. <br />5. Reimburse OCHD, on a quarterly basis, Eleven dollars ($11) per client for each <br />client that is not an OCHD patient, for testing of hemoglobin on WIC clients. <br />6. Piedmont Health Services will provide their own interpreter services for clients <br />receiving WIC services, including laboratory services at the OCHD location in <br />accordance with Title VI and Title II requirements. <br />1 <br />
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