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with County Commissioners meetings. The representative will be there in advance of the meeting start time (two <br />(2) hours minimum) to address any technical, logistical or operational needs and to assure that all systems, (including <br />house and television systems) are working properly prior to the meeting beginning. Sound Advice Technician en- <br />sure meeting is underway and operating properly before leaving. We estimate on average we will leave 30-45 minutes <br />after the meeting begins. This contract also includes up to ten (10) meetings that OCBOC may elect to have Sound <br />Advice Technicians onsite for the duration of the meeting. Those meetings must be scheduled in advance, so we <br />may schedule our representatives accordingly. <br />OFF-SITE REPAIRS <br />Equipment requiring factory repairs or replacement is not included under this contract. Sound Advice will be re- <br />sponsible for obtaining factory repairs or replacements at the direction of OCBOC. Repair parts and equipment <br />repairs will be billed separately from the contract. Repair parts, equipment replacement, and shipping cost will be <br />billed to OCBOC. <br />All offsite repairs should be provided to in a timely manner and for the purpose to keep the service equipment <br />functioning and its supporting functions on time, with time being of the essence. <br />NON-EMERGENCY SERVICE CALLS <br />The service agreement will provide a forty-eight (48) hour Non-Emergency on-site response time during normal <br />office hours (8 A.M. – 5 P.M.) weekdays (excluding holidays). Telephone response will be available within two (2) <br />hours on a normal basis. <br />EMERGENCY SERVICE CALLS <br />Emergency calls for service are not included in this maintenance proposal and will be billed independently of the <br />maintenance contract. The Emergency Service Call service agreement would use the rates listed below, from the <br />time the technician leaves to resolve the problem: <br />1.Rates are as follows: <br />•Emergency Rate - $150 per hour <br />•Holiday Rate - $200 per hour <br />2.Response Times are as follows: <br />•Emergency 2-4 hours on site <br />•Holiday 2-6 hours on site <br />•Telephone 1-2 hours availability <br />Sound Advice will provide OCBOC with a list of contacts and telephone numbers who will service this contract, if <br />desired. <br />Page 2 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C1715236-4E9A-49CD-9245-F4942287FCAA