Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 3EFOFF2D- AE78- 42B5- B6CA- 82C9778lC16E <br />WORK AUTHORIZATION SHEET <br />PENTA FACILITIES GROUP, INC. (PENTA) is pleased to provide the services described below. The purpose <br />of this sheet is to obtain your authorization for the work requested. The work will be performed under the attached Terms <br />and Conditions. Compensation for services rendered will be based on the attached fee schedules (or as indicated) which <br />area part of this work authorization. If we are required to modify the scope of work at your request or determine during the <br />execution of the work that a modification of scope is required, we will promptly seek a mutually agreeable revision of the <br />scope of work and associated fees. <br />PAYMENT TERMS: Net Cash upon receipt of Invoice. A late payment charge of 18% per annum <br />or the maximum amount allowed by PENTA may be added in the event that payment is not made <br />within 30 days after invoice date. <br />PROJECT NAME: Orange County 3800 US Hwy 70 -- Commercial Building /House — Asbestos and Lead Paint <br />SurveylSampling/Laboratory Analysis <br />PENTA Proposal No. P18 -5$241 <br />PROJECT LOCATION: 3844 US Hwy 70, Efland, NC <br />SCOPE OF WORK AUTHORIZED: Provide a NC- accredited Asbestos Inspector to perform an asbestos survey and <br />sampling at a commercial building and an adjacent house. Samples collected will be analyzed by Polarized Light <br />Microscopy (PLM) to document whether asbestos is present in the materials, Additionally PENTA will collect sample of <br />paint coatings from representative building components. PENTA will provide a report of the results of the laboratory <br />analysis. These services will be performed for the lump sum cost of $2.400. <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Dan D.Blair, Jr., PE <br />PENTA FACILITIES GROUP, INC. <br />ALL TESTING WILL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED AND TEST RESULTS <br />APPLY ONLY TO THE MATERIALS ACTUALLY TESTED <br />TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />PENTA Facilities Group, Inc. (PENTA) <br />1. PAYMENT TERMS. Client agrees to pay PENTA's invoice upon receipt. If payment is not received within 30 days form the Client's <br />receipt of PENTA's invoice, Client agrees to pay a service charge on the past due amount at the greater of I% per month or the allowable <br />legal rate, including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses if collected through an attorney. No deduction shall be made from PENTA's <br />invoice on account of liquidated damages unless expressly included in the Agreement. After five days prior notice to Client, PENTA may <br />suspend services until paid on any project where payment of invoiced amounts not reasonably in dispute is not received by PENTA within <br />60 days of Client's receipt of PENTA's invoice. Client receipt of invoice will be presumed three days .alter moiling by PENTA first class, <br />with adequate postage attached. Time is of the essence of this provision. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon <br />30 days prior written notice. This Agreement will terminate automatically upon the insolvency of Client. In the event Client requests <br />termination prior to completion of the proposed services, Client agrees to pay PENTA for all reasonable charges incurred to date and <br />associated witli termination of the work.. <br />2. DOCUMENTS. PENTA will fwnish Client the agreed upon number of written reports and supporting documents, These instruments <br />of services are fumislncd for Client's exclusive internal use and reliance, use of Client's counsel, use of Client's qualified bidders (design <br />services only) and for regulatory submittal in connection with the project or services provided for in this Agreement. Any reuse on any <br />other project or redistribution to third parties shall be at the sole risk of Client. There are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement. If <br />Client distributes any PIiiVT'A report to any third party, Client agrees to inform such third party in writing that such distribution is for <br />informational purposes only (and not for reliance) and that should such third party wish to rely on the PENTA report, the third party must <br />first contact PENTA and execute PWI A's standard 'Secondary Client Agreement. <br />Pagel of 4 <br />