Orange County NC Website
1994 HSAC Forum Recommendations <br />"Collaborations to Build a Safer Community" was the topic of the fifth annual HSAC <br />Forum. The forum concluded with the message: We can make our county a safer place to live <br />by making our neighborhood safe ". Participants at the forum prioritized the major issues <br />affecting our communities and identified methods to address and prevent the concerns. <br />A. Substance Abuse -focus on prevention <br />1. Expand the role of community watch. Create "drug- free" zones and increase community <br />awareness to make substance abuse a higher community priority. <br />2. Create a multi - disciplinary task force addressing substance abuse problems in the <br />community. <br />3. Use outreach teams, peer counseling and teaching in communities as well as businesses to <br />educate citizens by offering fun and educational workshops. <br />B. Isolation, Distancing from others, Weapons <br />1. Foster community empowerment through efforts like Drug Patrol, Community Policing, and <br />Community education. <br />2. Involve all social institutions and area citizens in planning and setting goals for projects to <br />address this issue. <br />3. Initiate service delivery collaboration, use Case Management so that clients can access <br />many services through one main worker. <br />C. Breakdown of family - lack of parental support/skills. <br />1. 1 Assess current successful programs for expansion. <br />2. Analyze current resources, services and service recipients. Restructure services for client - <br />centered delivery (case management). Identify a pilot neighborhood for reorganized service <br />delivery. <br />3. Help neighborhoods develop a sense of community. <br />