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Lastly, as discussed during the forum, the task force also recommended that the <br />Board of Commissioners fund, create, and put into place an outcome -based evaluation <br />system. This system would involve training and resources for framing outcomes, <br />equipment and training, technical support and an annual review. The <br />recommendations also asked for commitment from the BOCC to preserve the current <br />level of county funding within the human services system and allow any savings through <br />reform efforts to be reinvested in the system. <br />Results <br />Results from the agency evaluation forms showed that many agencies have <br />already begun to use service outcomes and all agencies intend to do so. <br />• Most agencies stated a need for assistance in developing service measures and <br />evaluations. <br />• Many agencies identified a need for advanced technology (hardware and software) <br />and training. <br />• Training needs that were identified include assistance in clarifying the appropriate <br />outcomes and ways to measure them; selection of information systems to use in <br />evaluations; and opportunities to collaborate with other agencies. <br />HSAC Recommendation <br />After listening to the discussion presented at the Forum and reviewing the <br />evaluations from area agencies, the HSAC members realized there are resources in the <br />community who are willing and able to provide expertise and training to other agencies. <br />The Human Services Advisory Commissions makes the following <br />recommendation: <br />That the Board of Commissioners authorize the Human Service Advisory <br />Commission to develop a mentoring program for local human services agencies. <br />Orange County agencies, with experience and expertise in developing and <br />implementing outcome measures, could assist other agencies in creating <br />outcome measures of their own. The mentor agency would be expected to offer <br />extensive support and consultation to the respective agency being mentored. To <br />compensate, and create accountability, the (mentor ?) agency would receive <br />$5,000 for their participation. It was suggested that four men toring agencies <br />would create a significant impact in this year long program. <br />c:\winword\forum96.rpt <br />