Orange County NC Website
"So You Think You're Immune from Welfare Reform,..." <br />CONCLUSIONS <br />The success of Welfare Reform in Orange County will largely <br />depend upon collaboration between private and public human <br />services organizations. The agencies should work together to <br />provide core services: affordable housing, transportation, and <br />childcare. They should also network to avoid duplication of <br />effort and they should establish clear measures of accountability. <br />A strong emphasis should be placed on prevention to keep from <br />developing a new revolving door in and out of the welfare <br />system. A major part of that prevention effort should involve the <br />tracking of welfare recipients as they move off the rolls as well as <br />those who have already been excluded from the system. The <br />contractor doing the tracking should also mentor clients as new <br />problems arise. Clear communication is key, especially for those <br />people who will soon lose their benefits. <br />The feedback from this tracking system would inform the <br />BOCC's (and the state's) efforts to allocate resources wisely. <br />However, the continued interest of all the 1997 HSAC Forum <br />participants in welfare reform planning may truly create the best <br />outcome for Orange County. <br />5 <br />